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An offer agreement for rendering of service for participation in the event

OPEN COMMUNICATION GROUP LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY (OKG LLC), TIN 7725763980, OGRN 1127746599364, publishes this Agreement, which is a public offer to an indefinite circle of persons, according to which it provides the opportunity to pay for access to a paid event by joining this Offer through its acceptance.

In accordance with Articles 435, paragraph 2 of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, this document is a public offer sent by OKG LLC to an unlimited number of persons.

The Parties to the Agreement are OKG LLC, acting on its own behalf, and the person who applied for the conclusion of the Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Buyer") in its own interests or in the interests of another person.

The Buyer is familiarized with the offer by posting its current version on the Website at:

The complete and unconditional acceptance (Acceptance) of the terms of this Offer is considered to be the implementation by the Buyer of the following actions: marking (ticks) on agreeing to the terms of this offer, the Buyer (Cardholder) performing payment actions on the Order Website.

The contract is considered to be concluded in writing on the basis of the provisions of paragraph 3 of Article 434, paragraph 3 of Article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (the written form of the contract is considered to be complied with if the written proposal to conclude the contract is accepted by acceptance, committed by concordant actions).

This Offer may be unilaterally amended by OKG LLC at any time.


"Agreement" is an agreement concluded between OKG LLC and the Buyer (Cardholder) by accepting this Public Offer on the Website.

"Buyer" is an individual who is a party to the Agreement on his own behalf, on his own behalf with the consent of his parent/legal representative or on behalf of a minor, the parent and/or legal representative of whom he is, who acts simultaneously as a Cardholder and/or acts on behalf of the Cardholder and makes a Payment, or a legal entity who made the Payment under the terms of the Agreement.

"Acceptance" means the Buyer's full and unconditional acceptance of the terms of this Agreement by placing and paying for the Order in the manner and on the terms established by this Offer Agreement.

"Payment Aggregator" is a legal entity that provides the possibility of accepting money transfers made using payment cards on the Internet (acquiring) on the basis of an agreement with OKG LLC.

"Cardholder" means a payment card holder making a Payment on behalf of the Buyer in favor of OKG LLC.

"Payment" means the transfer of funds by the Cardholder using a payment card on the Website in favor of OKG LLC.

Order is the expressed intention of the Buyer to purchase Accreditation for the Event at the price indicated on the website at:

Website is an Internet resource containing all the necessary information about the services provided and the terms of their use. The term "Website" should be understood as any pages presented on the specified resource at the network address:

Event is the Antares International Film Festival event, held and organized by OKG LLC, access to participation in which is possible only upon presentation of Accreditation for the Event. The program of the Event, the cost of participation, and Tariff Packages are listed on the Website.

Event Accreditation is an electronic document confirming the fact of payment and certifying the Buyer's right to attend the Event.

Services are services for providing access to participate in the Event organized by OKG LLC according to the program indicated on the Website by providing Accreditation for the Event.

Tariff (Tariff Package) is the cost and composition of the services provided by OKG LLC to the Buyer within the framework of the Event program, information about which is indicated on the Website.


1.1. The subject of this Offer is to provide the Buyer with a paid opportunity to attend the Event, which the Buyer undertakes to attend and pay for in accordance with the procedure provided for in this Agreement.

1.2. The dates of the Event, the Program of the Event, the Tariff Package for Accreditation (access) to the Event and other conditions are indicated on the Website.

1.3. Venue of the Event: Russia, Sochi, Krasnodar Territory. The date of the Event is June 25-30, 2024. The exact time of the Event is indicated on the Website and when placing an Order.

1.4. The buyer independently gets acquainted with the program of the Event on the Website. The format of the event, the program of the event is determined by OKG LLC and is not coordinated with the Buyer.

1.5. The number of Accreditations for the Event is limited. Such a restriction cannot be the basis for filing claims and other requirements against OKG LLC. OKG LLC has the right to refuse to provide Services to the Buyer in cases of lack of available seats at the Event.


2.1. The Buyer pays the specified and fixed amount of payment on the Website, after which OKG LLC sends the Order and the purchased Accreditation according to the selected Tariff to the e-mail specified by the Buyer.

2.2. If the Buyer does not attend the Event through his own fault or at his own request, the obligations of OKG LLC are considered to be fulfilled properly.

2.3. The Buyer has the right to transfer the purchased Accreditation for the Event to a third party. To do this, the Buyer undertakes to re-register access to the Event to another person by contacting OKG LLC with an application for re-registration of the granted Accreditation no later than 23.06.2024 by sending an e-mail address.

2.4. The Buyer agrees that OKG LLC provides the opportunity to attend the Event as is, and does not have the right to require additional refinement of the selected Tariff Package of the Order.

2.5. OKG LLC has the right to involve third parties in the provision of Services without first obtaining the consent of the Buyer. The third parties involved are selected at the discretion of OKG LLC.

2.6. The Buyer attending the Accreditation Event for the Event undertakes to comply with the following Rules of Conduct at the Event:

- to observe discipline and generally accepted norms of behavior;

- to avoid aggressive behavior during the Event;

- not to use the information obtained at the Event in order to make a profit by replicating and reproducing them repeatedly and in other ways;

- not to use profanity;

- to observe the rules of fire safety at the venue of the Event;

- to take care of property at the Event; compensate for damage caused to property, regardless of whether it was intentionally caused or by negligence;

- not to carry piercing and cutting objects, explosives and other substances dangerous to life and health;

- not to distribute advertising and not to offer the services of third-party resources, their services or the services of third parties.

2.7. OKG LLC has the right to terminate the Contract with the Buyer who violated the terms of clause 2.6. of this Agreement and prohibit participation /attendance at the Event, while OKG LLC has no obligation to return funds / compensate for the Buyer's losses.

2.8. The cost of OKG LLC's Services does not include the Buyer's expenses for travel to and from the Event venue, accommodation, additional meals and other expenses not included in the Event program, and are paid by the Buyer independently.

2.9. By purchasing Accreditation for the Event, the Buyer agrees to take photos and videos of OKG LLC and third parties attracted by it to take photos and videos, as well as to use photographic images and videos obtained as a result of photographing and videotaping on any media, by any means, including for commercial purposes (for example, for advertising and promotion) without paying the Buyer for it.


3.1. The cost of services is indicated on the Website and can be changed unilaterally by OKG LLC at any time. The new price takes effect from the moment of publication and does not apply to services paid at the time of publication.

3.2. Payment for Accreditation under the Contract is carried out in the order of 100% prepayment, unless otherwise provided on the Website. Payment is made by transferring funds to the details specified by OKG LLC, or using electronic payment systems that provide services for accepting and transferring payments in non-cash form.

3.3. Accreditation for the Event is considered paid from the moment the funds are credited to the settlement account of OKG LLC.

3.4. Upon payment, an electronic document confirming the payment made (an electronic payment receipt) is sent to the Buyer's contact email address.

3.5. The payment is carried out without charging a commission in real time

3.6. To refund funds in case of an erroneous payment, the Cardholder must contact the Payment Aggregator. The list of documents required to make a refund is set by the Payment Aggregator. The refund is made exclusively to the Bank card from which the operation was performed.

3.7. If the Buyer applies less than 14 days before the Event, the Order value will not be refunded.


4.1. The Parties are responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their obligations under the Agreement in accordance with the Agreement and the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The amount of liability of OKG LLC is limited by the cost of the Order.

4.2. Buyers are notified of changes to this Public Offer via the Website: In case of a change in the Public Offer, the version of the Public Offer posted on the website is valid

4.3. OKG LLC does not guarantee and is not responsible for the failure to ensure the security of data about the Cardholder, as well as about transactions carried out by the Cardholder.

4.4. OKG LLC is not responsible to the Cardholder and/or the Buyer for delays and technical interruptions in making a payment, the occurrence of which is not the fault of OKG LLC.

4.5. The Cardholder is responsible for any actions of third parties committed on behalf of the Cardholder through the use of the Cardholder's bank card when making a payment on the Website.

4.6. This Agreement comes into force from the date of the Buyer's acceptance of this Public Offer and is considered concluded for an indefinite period.


5.1. In accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 152 – FZ dated 07/27/2006 "On Personal Data", the Buyer (the subject of personal data), accepting the terms of this Offer Agreement, agrees to the processing of all his personal data provided by OKG LLC, as well as to their transfer to persons with whom OKG LLC has there are contractual relations for the fulfillment of the terms of this Offer Agreement and the provision of Services to the Buyer. The processing of the Buyer's personal data is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the Personal Data Processing Policy, which is a local document of OKG LLC, as well as in accordance with Federal Law No. 152-FZ dated 27.07.2006 "On Personal Data".


Open Communication Group Limited Liability Company (OKG LLC)

INN 7725763980

OGRN 1127746599364

115432, Moscow, Proektiruemiy passage No. 4062, bld. 6, blk.16, floor 5, room 19

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