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A master class on stage speech: Breathing exercises, orthoepy, voice liberation.

  • June 28, 12:00 - 14:00
  • Sochi, Winter Theater
  • Free of charge upon registration

During the master class, you will learn and master a variety of breathing exercises that will help improve your breathing and voice control, increase endurance and expressiveness during performances.

Professional trainers and teachers will teach you the correct orthoepy - clear and correct pronunciation of sounds and words, which will make your speech more understandable and convincing. You will also learn voice release techniques that will help eliminate tension and create a deeper and more natural sound.

Join the master class to unleash your vocal potential, learn how to control your breathing and pronunciation, and free up your voice for a more confident and impressive performance on stage. This master class will help you make your speech more expressive, convincing and attractive to the audience.19:40

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