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Master class on stage speech: Speech and voice training, working with text

  • June 29, 12:00 - 14:00
  • Sochi, Winter Theater
  • Free of charge upon registration

During the master class, you will go through intensive speech and voice training, which will help you master the techniques of voice control, intonation and rhythm of speech.

Professional instructors and teachers will teach you how to work with a text, identify its emotional coloring, and find key points to enhance expressiveness and understanding. You will also learn techniques for working with different genres and styles of texts to make your presentation more convincing and memorable.

Join the master class to unlock your potential as a speaker, learn how to make your speech more convincing, emotional and soulful. This master class will be an opportunity for you to improve your skills in working with text, develop your expressiveness and confidence on stage, and become a real master of words.

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