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Opening of the All-Russian gathering of regional cinematographers and film enthusiasts "KinoDialog"

  • June 25, 16:00 - 17:00
  • Sochi, Winter Theater
  • access by registration and accreditation: "K", "S", "U".

Welcome to the opening of the All-Russian gathering of cinematographers and film enthusiasts "KinoDialog"! This is a unique event that unites talents and passion for cinema from all over the country. Here, each participant has the opportunity to share their vision and art, discuss current topics and trends in cinema, as well as find new friends and partners for joint projects. Immerse yourself in the world of cinematography, find inspiration and breathe life into every frame at the KinoDialog!

Ticket partner of the film festival:
Andrey Afrin

Andrey Afrin

Director of the Antares International Film Festival, head of the All-Russian gathering of Regional Cinematographers and Film enthusiasts "KinoDialog"

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