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Literary and poetic meeting with actors of theater and cinema

  • June 27, 14:00-16:00
  • Sochi, Winter Palace
  • 1 000 – 3 000
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Favorite artists will sing songs from films, tell stories from the filming of famous films, talk to the audience about the most intimate things.

Theater and film actors will take the stage: Yevgeny Tkachuk, Olga Kabo, Kirill Zaporozhsky. As well as People's Artists of the RSFSR: Svetlana Nemolyaeva, Larisa Luzhina and Honored Artist of the RSFSR Aristarkh Livanov. The brilliant presenter Sergey Novozhilov will host the concert.

For the first time, this unique acting ensemble will gather in such a composition and will give everyone who came to the concert an atmosphere of warmth and excellent mood.

Open Communication Group Limited Liability Company (OCG LLC)
INN 7725763980. OGRN 1127746599364
115432, Moscow, Projected passage No. 4062, building 6, building 16, floor 5, room 19
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