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The premiere of the film "The Little Princess" (India)

  • June 27, 22:00 -23:30
  • Sochi, Winter Theater, Great Hall
  • Free

The premiere of the film in Russia.

The existence of young siblings, full of difficulties and obstacles, can be a source of inspiration and strengthen the bond between them. Their family connection becomes a hope and a source of support in difficult times. The story begins with a brother and sister who find themselves in a difficult situation. They suffer from a lack of material resources and live in unfavorable conditions. However, despite this, they have each other, and their love and support become their main support. The main characters face various difficulties and trials, but each time they overcome them by combining their efforts. Brother and sister realize that they can count on each other, their powers are enhanced when they work together.

Directed by Babita Matthew, Rinn Shenari Hussein Haidray, Babita Matthew, Rinn Producer Sofia Varghese.

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