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Gala evening with stars on the Black Sea coast

  • June 25, 21:00 - 00:00
  • Open-air terrace of the Zhemchuzhina Hotel (Sochi)
  • 15 000 ₽

Private party: The after party of the opening of the Antares Film Festival on the outdoor area of the Grand Hotel Zhemchuzhina with the participation of stars of Russian cinema and show business. Incendiary dances, star presenters, the best DJ of the Black Sea coast and a sea of champagne! There has not been such a party in Sochi for a long time!

Gala evening with stars on the Black Sea coast
Price: 15 000 руб.
Open Communication Group Limited Liability Company (OCG LLC)
INN 7725763980. OGRN 1127746599364
115432, Moscow, Projected passage No. 4062, building 6, building 16, floor 5, room 19
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