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Nikas Safronov: Patriotic Art and the Antares Film Festival

Nikas Safronov is an honorary guest of the Antares International Film Festival, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. He is a full member of the Russian Academy of Arts. He is the author of the most famous works: "Dreams of Italy", "The Crucifixion of Christ" and "A Dream about Moscow".

Nikas Safronov about the Antares Film Festival

NS: - Well, first of all, it's a difficult time right now. Such events should take place. There should be a patriotic song, patriotic films. And that doesn't mean it's going to be a bad thing. On the contrary, in Soviet times, they could even have received an award if it had been filmed and shown. I definitely want to come to this festival, especially since I am a member of the Board of Trustees.

Nikas Safronov about patriotism and art

NS:- There are entertaining films, there are comedy films that should also be present, they give relaxation, rest, but often a serious topic can be deeper and more, say, interesting. Therefore, I expect that there will be an interesting movie, and it should be encouraged, it should be supported, it should be visually shown, and people should be proud to know their history. Yesterday a guy came to me, he's 24 years old, I show famous personalities, he didn't even know Spielberg, but this is not our story either. I say, well, he doesn't know Yankovsky, he doesn't know Smoktunovsky. But when he doubted, say, about Yeltsin and Gorbachev, I realized that people don't know their history, whether it's good or bad.

The artist also noted that any films related to the life of the country can be very good, as well as those of Spielberg, who shot "Sergeant Ryan", "Schindler's List". This is also patriotic support, what America did during the war. They received an Oscar, the highest award, so patriotism must be there, it is an incentive.

Recall that the opening of Nikas Safronov's exhibition will take place within the framework of the Antares Film Festival.

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