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Schedule of the competition program of the Antares International Film Festival

In the period from June 25 to June 30, 2024, the international film festival "Antares" will be held in Sochi (Russia) for the first time. The screening of the films of the competition program of the film festival will take place at the Kinokko cinema from June 26 to 29, MoreMall shopping center at:

Sochi, Novaya Zarya str., 7.

June 26 / Environment

11:00 – Animated films
"Chasing the spray" (Russia)

On a summer evening, two girl friends are sitting in the grass on the shore of a small lake in this small town. They weave wreaths and put them in the water. As soon as the wreaths touched the water, the sunset, which had already begun, turned a magical color. With a wave of her hands, one of the girls sprinkles splashes across the sky, which turn into bright star lights under the impending darkness.

Directed by Alina Khabarova, 5min., 2023, world premiere

"Hidden relic of the Toy Maker" (Turkey)

The young magician is frantically preparing for another midnight performance together with other participants: rabbits, a bear and a lion. Everything goes according to plan until the moment when he goes on stage for his performance. At this very moment, his colleagues decide to take on his main role, tame their master and get rid of the supporting roles. Will the magician have enough strength to escape from an unexpected trap?

Directed by Yagmur Kartal., 5min.36sec., 2022, Russian premiere

"Dear Angela" (Spain)

The plot of the short film takes us to the Second World War and tells the touching story of Angela, whose world collapses when her husband is called to fight and he does not return. This story is an emotional exploration of love, loss, and the power of memory.

Directed by Jose Luis Quiros, Paco Saez, 8min., 2024, Russian premiere

13:30 – Documentaries
"Renaissance" (Russia)

Enthusiasts are restoring the destroyed memorial of military glory. A documentary about the student movement in Russia.

Directed by Vadim Arapov, 22min., 2023.

"We clowns" (Brazil)
For centuries, in various cultures, the art of clowning has fascinated and entertained. However, if we take a trip through memories, where will we find the presence of women in the main comedic roles? Prone to minor roles, always emphasizing beauty and femininity. The documentary tells the story of three female clowns, talking about their experiences, problems and a female perspective on time in the circus.

Directed by Jetulio Ribeiro, Melis Fremiot, 29min., 2023, Russian premiere

Dolors (Spain)
The role of historians is key in the history of mankind, because their goal is to study the past in order to avoid repeating the same mistakes in the future. In addition, they often shed light on the history of unique people who, due to circumstances, did not receive due recognition. Especially in the case of women. This documentary is dedicated to the work of historian Aida Sanchez, who saved Dolores Vives and Rodon from oblivion - one of the pioneers in piloting aircraft, who played an important role during the Spanish Civil War.

Directed by Marta Arjona, Mati Blasco, 15min., 2023, Russian premiere.

16:00 – Short films
"False Paradise" (China)

Description: Zhou, a third grade high school student, went to a bar with her classmates. But the secret emotions dissipated at a certain moment, like foam in a glass of wine. In a quiet city, Zhou wandered from midnight to dawn, and woke up in class. Faced with a bleak environment, awkward socialization, and her mother's reproaches, Zhou seems to have turned into a fluttering butterfly. But it's hard for her to find her own paradise.

Directed by Ihan Din, 18min., 2024, Russian premiere

"Deep" (Kyrgyzstan)

Description: Little Sanjar, who lives by the lake, dreams of becoming a boxing champion, like his father. To realize his dream, he must see the "Altyn Tup" (Golden Bottom) in the lake and tell him his wish. But not everyone can see Altyn-Tup. You have to be strong enough to see it.

Directed by Bermet Beishenbekova, 19min., 2023, Russian premiere

"Coat" (Belarus/Russia)

Sonya's parents are deaf. This becomes the subject of harassment by Kolya.

Directed by Alexander Litskevich, 29min., 2024, Russian premiere

"Hans Trapp" (France)

Rachel is a frivolous, self-centered girl. One September evening, she goes for a run and shares this moment with her followers. But her day won't end the way she imagined. Attracted to the forest by the sound of bells, she will face the consequences of a choice made a few months earlier.

Directed by Stefan Fort, 18min., 2023, Russian premiere

"Time of the Uprising" (Great Britain/Spain)

A modern interpretation of Miguel de Unamuno's 1930s novel "San Martin Bueno, Martinique", in which a priest loses faith in God, "Times of Rebellion" tells the story of the CEO of an international corporation who begins to lose faith in capitalism after mysterious external pressure forces him to change his company forever.

Directed by Gabriel Fernandez Gil, 11min., Russian premiere

17:00 – Feature films
"Tomorrow will be another day" (China)

Fan Xiu felt happy and longed for everything in her life to be completed. She met Liu Xuemei. Liu Xuemei was fighting for life with her child with cerebral palsy, Chien Chien. The huge medical expenses and endless time spent made their lives exceptionally difficult. Fang Xiu felt that she had to do something. A child with cerebral palsy needed a hospital.

Directed by Gao Yuhuan, 105min., 12+, 2023, Russian premiere

The film will be presented by producer Yang Wang Bin

"Child of Heaven" (Kyrgyzstan)

Unknown people leave a six-month-old baby at the house of an elderly childless couple living in a small village. At first, the old people were going to hand over the child to the authorities, but when they heard that young children were being sold for organs, they decided to keep the child for themselves. Taking care of a baby turns the lives of the elderly in a completely different direction. They have an interest in life.

Directed by Asel Juraeva, 75min., 12+, 2023,

The film will be presented by director Asel Juraeva

June 27th / Thursday

11:00 – Animated films
"Cabbage miracle" (Russia)

This is a story about two orphaned girls who are brought from the village to a distant relative in the city. And throughout the film, she decides whether to keep them or give them to an orphanage. About the boy Kolka, with his completely incomprehensible dream for adults, driving his harmful grandmother to white heat.

Directed by Inna Evlannikova, 16min., 2023,

"Bait" (Spain)

Perhaps in the near future, society has become corrupt, and people are fighting for their survival. Streets where violence and deception are commonplace. The "status quo", which is in the interests of those in power to maintain, so that they can keep the vast majority in subjection. The problem is that when you infect society with rats and dirt, you know that in the end it can turn against you.

Directed by Laura Delgado, Eduardo Rodriguez, 4min., 2024, Russian premiere

"Midnight Performance" (Bulgaria)

The young magician is frantically preparing for another midnight performance together with other participants: rabbits, a bear and a lion. Everything goes according to plan until the moment when he goes on stage for his performance. At this very moment, his colleagues decide to take on his main role, tame their master and get rid of the supporting roles. Will the magician have enough strength to escape from an unexpected trap?

Directed by Plamen Nikolov, 5min., 2023, Russian premiere

13:30 – Documentaries
"Volunteers" (Russia)

The story is about people of the most ordinary professions (office workers, workers, sellers, etc.) who turn into real heroes after hours: they absolutely gratuitously help those who need help, sometimes risking their own lives.

Directed by Olga Dobromyslova, 25min., 2024, Russian premiere

"Children of Wetlands" (Colombia)
Sildani is a fisherman who understands the difference between traditional, sustainable fishing methods and irresponsible ones; she has made it her mission to spread knowledge among other fishermen and restore wetlands by planting native species. Miguel is a sage who devotes his time to artisanal weaving with his daughter Nancy, who leads a group of women artisans from the wetlands; his family is aware of the impending environmental and social problems their communities face and joins the restoration efforts.

Directed by Ismael Egi Saad, 24min., 2023, Russian premiere

"Misha the icebreaker" (Russia)

Mikhail Klus, who works in the wild frost in the village of rechnikov Zhatai on the Lena River, dreams of a trip to the sea with his son Sasha. After all, they saw him only in the picture and did not leave the borders of their native Yakutia all their lives. Misha has already been able to drastically change his past life, achieving everything with his own work. Will he succeed in fulfilling his dream?

Directed by Dmitry Stepanov, 38min., 2023,

16:00 – Short films
"It's not far here" (Russia)

A man goes to kill his best friend because his wife cheated on him with him. But an unexpected meeting with a mysterious traveling companion makes you see the personal drama from a different point of view.

Directed by Timur Chopliani, 21min., 2023,

"Boundaries of the Mind" (Germany/North Macedonia)

In the heart of the old city, a photographer's chance meeting with a mysterious girl leads to a night of intimacy and connection, but as morning comes, the hidden truth is revealed, casting a shadow over their romance. The film "The Border of the Mind" is an exploration of the intricacies of love, loss and a journey through the maze of memory and grief.

Directed by Alexandra Kardalevskaya, 6min., 2024, Russian premiere

"Matryoshka Doll" (Cuba)

A woman in an apocalyptic world experiences a painful event over and over again, trying to resolve it.

Directed by Joseph Ros, 5min., 2023, Russian premiere

"The first on the Russian throne" (Russia)

1689. Moscow. Ambitious and determined Sofia, who came to power through a brutal coup and has been ruling for seven years, is defeated in the struggle for power. All the supporters left the princess and joined Peter in the Trinity, and her beloved is awaiting execution. Princess Sophia's days on the throne are numbered...

Directed by Andrey Archakov, 17min., 2024, Russian premiere

"The Curse of the Artist" (Australia)

When an evil creature settles into the works of a 10-year-old girl, her fate is sealed, and the trauma she received in childhood echoes in her life. Art and horror collide when a girl becomes a mother and desperately tries to come to terms with her hallucinations and the shocking truth about her daughter.

Directed by Steven J. Mikhalevich, 10min., 2024. Russian premiere

17:00 – Feature films
"Green Grass" (Japan/Chile)

Makoto, a 30-year-old Japanese businessman, wakes up and finds himself on a beach he has never seen. Trying to get out of this strange place, he meets unusual characters who help him realize that he is, in fact, already dead, just like them. His father Kiyoshi is deeply saddened by his loss, he and his son quarreled, and now he has only regret. Distance and pain force them to forgive their guilt and find a way to come to terms with their past, giving them one last chance to meet each other.

Directed by Ignacio Ruiz, 100min., 16+, 2023, Russian premiere

"Seasons" (Russia)

Natalia, the prima ballerina of the Mariinsky Theatre, is preparing for the premiere of the ballet "The Seasons", but due to the jealousy of her husband, the director of the ballet, suddenly finds herself involved in a violent confrontation with the troupe. Both her triumph and her entire future are at risk.

Directed by Maxim Shabalin, 100min., 18+, 2023,

The film will be presented by director Maxim Shabalin.

June 28th / Friday

11:00 – Animated films
"40 degrees in the shade" (Argentina)

Summer Sunday, 40° in the shade. In the parking lot, a little girl calls her recently deceased grandmother and waits for something unusual to happen.

Directed by Eduardo Elli, 3 min, 2023, Russian premiere

"Every meeting takes place somewhere else" (Italy)

The plot of the short film takes us to the Second World War and tells the touching story of Angela, whose world collapses when her husband is called to fight and he does not return. This story is an emotional exploration of love, loss, and the power of memory.

Directed by Massimo Sales, 9min., 2023, Russian premiere

"Are you lost?" (Mexico)

A young girl appears at a strange station, and soon ghostly figures appear who make up her company. It is then that she realizes that she may have been lost in another world...

Directed by Rodrigo Reis Fabre, 1min., 2023, Russian premiere

"Kafune" (Spain)
Alma, a lonely girl, relives her traumatic past when her doll falls into the pool and drags her to the shipwreck of the boat from which she is the only survivor. Luna, her savior, helps her overcome her trauma and rebuild her life.

Directed by Carlos F. De Vigo, Lorena Ares, 9min., 2024, Spain, Russian premiere

13:30 – Documentaries
"Lahva. The Price of Freedom" (Belarus)

The film tells about one of the heroic episodes of the Holocaust — the uprising in the ghetto of the Polessky city of Lahva. In the face of imminent death, civilians attacked the punishers themselves. Resistance seemed hopeless — but it allowed many to survive

Directed by Irina Vasilyeva, Vladimir Lutsky, 39min., 2023, Belarus, Russian premiere

"Non-standard voices" (Spain/Cameroon/Ghana/Liberia)

Today, only a third of scientists are women. The masculinization of science, stereotypes of social management and the education system that promotes these ideas force many women to abandon their careers. This documentary, shot from the point of view of women scientists, tells about their experiences, which gives hope for the emergence of a new generation thinking creatively. Our main characters, African women of different ages and realities, exploring diseases that no one deals with and diseases that people from the poorest conditions suffer from, are fighting to draw attention to women and inspire new generations to follow in their footsteps. This is a recognition of the achievements of women researchers and those who make healthcare in Africa a reality.

Directed by Marta Fernandez Pisonero, 20min., 2024, Russian premiere

16:00 – Short films
"Charming Bridge" (Argentina)

Ana is an adult girl who lives alone, goes to college and has a best friend named Lucas. They spend as much time together as they can. They play cards, watch movies, try to study or listen to their favorite album "Bocanada" by Cerati. When Lucas dies, Ana's life changes. She tries to cope with the mourning, while a strange presence begins to invade her home.

Directed by Juan Bruno Demichelis, 14min., 2023, Russian premiere

"Dream" (Spain)

Four people are going to take part in a dangerous experiment. The rules are simple: if you want to live, you need to go to bed.

Directed by Javier Chavanel, 14min., 2023, Russian premiere

Beskudnikovo (Russia)

Sergey, a young man of about 35 years old, lives alone in Moscow in an apartment bought with a mortgage on the outskirts of the capital. Olga, with whom Sergei once had a relationship, and her daughter Katya, aged twelve, are staying at his house overnight. They came from the province, and the next day they fly to live abroad – Olga's new fiance lives there. Sergey and Olga look at their own lives and the world around them in completely different ways. He believes that nothing needs to change around her, she is looking for a better life for both herself and Katya. Could there be something in common between them?

Directed by Anton Koryakin, 13min., 2023, Russian premiere

"On the edge of the unknown" (Senegal)

The film "On the edge of the Unknown" tells about the life of Jonas, a young thirty-year-old Senegalese, introverted and often lost in thought, living in Dakar with a mysterious woman constantly dressed in white.

Directed by Mariam Sou, 20min.33sec., 2024, Russian premiere

17:00 – Feature films
Lapin (Russia)

After the divorce of his parents, 15-year-old teenager Valya Lapin is forced to move with his mother to the province, where everything disgusts him. But he knows that as soon as the school year ends, he will move to his father in Canada. Lapin decides to lie low, wait, just exist in anticipation of moving. The only thing he lets in from his new life is running. After all, it helps to escape from reality.

Directed by Asya Oleshkevich, Vlad Krasnoslobodtsev, 98min., 16+, 2024,

The film will be presented by executive producer Daniil Kostinsky.

"In the belly of a tiger" (India/China/Taiwan/USA/Indonesia)

A tiger is wreaking havoc in an Indian village. Deaths are becoming more frequent, but tigers are protected. Since farmers are not allowed to hunt them, they demand compensation from the government and receive it. The tiger's life is now worth more than their life. An elderly couple, Bajole and Prabata, who recently returned to the village with their son and two granddaughters, now owns only a house and a bull after selling their land to try their luck in the city. All they have to offer now is their labor, which makes them prone to blackmail, just like everyone else in the village.

Directed by Jatla Siddartha, 91min., 16+, 2024, Russian premiere

The film will be presented by director Jatla Siddartha (India).

"September" (Spain)

Description: After the death of her mother, Alma returns to the city, where she has to take care of the family home. Alex, her first love, never left the city and built her life there. They meet again 20 years later and return to their youth for the weekend, feeling the magic that created them together. The paths they have chosen in their lives, and this meeting years later, will make them find out who they really are now.

Directed by Carlos Aseituno, 83min., 18+, 2023,Russian premiere

June 29th / Saturday

11:00 – Animated films
"The Pirate and the cello" (Russia)

What feelings do street musicians evoke in you: indifference, irritation or?.. The extraordinary duet of a cellist and a dog will make you change your attitude for the better, because true art and true friendship work wonders!

Directed by Andrey Sokolov, 14min.8sec., 2023,

"Red Snow" (Spain)

A little girl and a vampire live in a village near the forest, where they spend time together. The incident and the memory from the girl's past will forever challenge their relationship and the course of their lives.

Directed by Susana Olmedo Alvarez, Aurelia Gil Junko, Russian premiere

"Heart of the Ocean" (Russia)

After the apocalypse, "life" on the planet was reborn again, but in a different form: the fragments of mechanisms covering the planet gained consciousness, creating a new world. In the ocean, one of the steel fish produces a live biological egg in an unknown way...

Directed by Natalia Kharina, Alena Rubinstein, 9min., 2024, world premiere

13:30 – Documentaries
"Prima. Elisa Carrillo Cabrera" (Germany)

Description: A thousand hours of grueling work for the sake of three minutes of fame. One day in the life of Elisa Carrillo Cabrera, soloist of the Berlin State Ballet. Intense training and rehearsals await her from early morning. She should be even better than yesterday, despite the pain and fatigue, go on stage in the evening and be a Prima Ballerina.

Directed by Veronika Pokoptseva, 11min., 2023,

"Ruins" (Spain)

Description: What is left after the ruins? Is it just a pile of rubble or something else? Perhaps they keep the stories of those who inhabited them, their joys and dreams, perhaps a magnificent past or a future that will not be...

Directed by Sergio Lara, 30min., 2023, Russian premiere

"Tales of Aileen" (Kyrgyzstan)
Eileen lives in a magical world created by her loving parents, where she is surrounded by the beauty of nature and friendly animals. She sees her life as a fairy tale and dreams a lot. A happy childhood in harmony with nature gives Eileen the wings of a dream, on which she is carried away into her eternal fantasies.

Directed by Asel Umaralieva, 12min., 2024,

16:00 – Short films
"Return" (France/Finland)
Luka reunites with Kat, the true love of his life, after 30 years of separation. An unexpected and sad reunion... The spark in their eyes remained intact. Will they be able to catch up over the years? Will fate give them a second chance?

Directed by Patrick Urbani, 36min., 2023, Russian premiere

"Bro" (Russia)

Roman, who replaced his younger brother Demyan's father, strives to preserve the usual way of life and order in the family. However, the grown-up brother longs for independence and liberation from the custody of his older brother. The rivalry turns into an open struggle, and then, for the sake of "peace in the family," Roman decides on a terrible deed.

Directed by Alina Sabirova, 24min., 2023,

"Sunny Guy" (Iran)

One of the brothers suffers from a rare disease, he becomes completely paralyzed at sunset and returns to life at dawn, and the other brother uses this as an opportunity and mocks him.

Directed by Arman Fayaz, 18min., Russian premiere

17:00 – Feature films
"Yuriev Island" (Russia)

On his 32nd birthday, Vitya learns that exactly that year, on that day and at the moment when he was born, the navigator Yuryev died near Vladivostok, who did not have time to go on an expedition to the island, in the existence of which only he believed. Comparing the facts, Vitya becomes convinced that he was Yuryev in a previous life, and goes to Vladivostok to complete what he started – to find Yuryev's island.

Directed by Alexander Barshak, 96min., 16+, 2024, Russian premiere

The film will be presented by director Alexander Barshak (Russia) and actor Anton Simukhin

"Eflyatun" (Turkey)

Oflaz lives comfortably, but is he happy? Since childhood, he dreamed of doing photography. After his father fell ill, Oflaz was forced to take up the position of managing his holding company. For several years now, Oflaz has been living with a woman and all members of his family have been trying to persuade Oflaz to marry her. One day, fate will bring Oflaz together with a girl named Eflyatun. Oflaz will fall in love with her, after which he will finally realize that he has lived his whole life under pressure from others.

Directed by Juneit Karakush, 103min., 16+, 2023, Russian premiere




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