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The brightest movie event of the summer of 2024 in Russia! 100 events of the Antares Film Festival!

The brightest movie event of the summer of 2024 in Russia! Antares Film Festival in Sochi! From June 24 to June 30, a mega-event will be held with the participation of 100 movie stars from Russia and around the world!

Ekaterina Shpitsa, Nonna Grishaeva, Lisa Arzamasova, Nikas Safronov, Evelina Bledans, Alyona Sviridova, Kirill Zaporozhsky, Sergey Shakurov, Svetlana Nemolyaeva, Alexander Pankratov-Cherny, Nina Shatskaya, Larisa Luzhina, Olga Prokofiev and many other stars! The list of all the star guests of the film festival can be viewed in the section GUESTS OF THE FILM FESTIVAL.

June 25 and 30 - red carpet and evening parties on the Black Sea coast with stars from all over the world! Join us! More than 100 events in 6 days! 

Nonna Grishaeva will present her play "Falling Up", Nikas Safronov will open an exhibition of his paintings "Portraits of great Cinematographers", Daria Moroz and Peter Dranga will play with the orchestra the famous play "Frida", Alexander Pankratov-Cherny will celebrate his 75th anniversary with a creative meeting with the audience, Olga Ostroumova will present her poetry; Alyona Sviridova, Songwriters from Belarus and Farrukh Zakirov and the Yalla group (Uchkuduk - three Wells) will perform at the concert "Good Songs about the main thing", for the creative public - the show "Night of the Advertising Eaters" with marketing gurus Igor Mann and Alexander Levitas, and of course the enchanting Opening and Closing of the Antares Film Festival with a red carpet at the winter theater according to a good tradition, and then a gala party with movie stars on the terrace of the Zhemchuzhina Hotel on the Black Sea coast! Tickets for all concerts and performances in the section CREATIVE PROGRAM.

All days there are mandatory competitive screenings of full-length, documentary, and short films at the Kinokko cinema in the MoreMall shopping center. The contestants (actors and directors) will come to the international film festival from 29 countries of the world! Admission is free for everyone upon pre-registration on the film festival website in the THE COMPETITION PROGRAM.

The Antares Film Festival will present an extensive business program aimed at the development of cinematography. The topics are the most burning:The role of the state in supporting regional cinematography, the specifics of attracting investments in cinema, Online cinemas: where to start the way to access platforms?, Current problems of Russian film distribution and ways to solve them in an era of change, and many other topics. As part of the business program of the film festival, a meeting of regional cinematographers and film enthusiasts "KinoDialog" will be held.Among the speakers:Anna Pendrakovskaya is a film critic, screenwriter, producer, Mikhail Kalinin is the Secretary of the Union of Cinematographers of the Russian Federation,Natalia Uglitskikh is a film director and producer,Valeria Gushchina is the director of the Guild of Film Actors of Russia,Alexey Ryazantsev is the General Director of the Karo-Premier film company, Mikhail Anisimov – General Producer of Tricolor, Nadezhda Guselnikova - Producer of films and television projects., START platform,Sergey Sorochkin – CEO of SB Film,Andrey Afrin – film director, director of the Antares Film Festival. You can study the program in the section THE BUSINESS PROGRAM OF THE FILM FESTIVAL.


And of course the Antares Film Festival will have premieres! The opening film will be "The Sea for two" (Director: Vladimir Rudak. Starring: Alina Dulova, Alexey Lukin, Maria Poroshina, Jan Tsapnik, Evdokia Germanova, Sergey Batalov, Raisa Ryazanova, Igor Chekhov, Anastasia Reznik, Maria Bystrova). The audience will see the wonderful Indian film "The Little Princess" (premiere in Russia), Directed by Babita Matthew, Rinn Shenari Hussein Haidray, Babita Matthew. Rinnprodser Sofia Varghese. The existence of young siblings, full of difficulties and obstacles, can be a source of inspiration and strengthen the bond between them. Their family connection becomes a hope and a source of support in difficult times. And the premiere film from Italy will be the film "Happy Days" (Director and screenwriter: Simone Petralia.Starring: Franco Nero (Antonio), Anna Galiena (Margarita), Marco Rossetti (Enea), Antonella Ponziani (Michela), Marcello Mazzarella (Ramiro), etc.), China will present the premiere of the film; In Russia, the film "Homecoming" is a Chinese dramatic action film by Zhao Xiaozhi based on real events.The plot centers on the story of two unarmed Chinese diplomats who find themselves in one of the African countries during the "Arab Spring". You can register for the film premieres in the OUT-OF-COMPETITION PROGRAM.

And by the way, the out-of-competition program will include animated films from Soyuzmultfilm studio, which the studio kindly handed over to the Antares Film Festival to be shown in honor of the anniversary of the legendary cartoon studio. So be sure to come! And the Mosfilm film studio supported the holding of free screenings of films from the Golden Collection of Russian cinema! Viewers will be able to watch their favorite films on the big screen in 7 Sochi cinemas: The Caucasian Captive, the Incredible Adventures of Italians in Russia, Operation Y, Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession, Mimino, Three plus Two and many other films. Free registration for screenings in the section OUT-OF-COMPETITION PROGRAM.

And for those who are interested in cinema as a profession, there will be cool master classes from outstanding teachers in Acting, Stage plasticity, Dancing and Acting! Places are limited, participation is free. Rather, register in The BUSINESS PROGRAM has master classes.

Technoprogress company is the general partner of the film festival, the official partner is Alfabank, strategic partner Sovcombank, digital partner - educational Courson platform. The Antares Film Festival Was initiated by the Safety and Quality Association, the operator of the film festival - Media Center "BIK MEDIA" (Open Communication Group LLC).

Join the coolest film festival this summer in Sochi! The sea, summer, Antares! 

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