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The winners of the Antares Film Festival will receive a statuette by Grigory Potocki

The winners of the first Antares International Film Festival will receive an award authored by Grigory Potocki, a Russian sculptor and painter, a member of the International Association of Artists at UNESCO, an honorary academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, the author of one and a half hundred monuments to cultural figures installed around the world.

The presentation of the main award "Antares" took place on January 22 at a press conference dedicated to the upcoming film festival. Presenting the statuette, Grigory Potocki spoke about the meaning inherent in it:

"The Antares statuette begins with a star at the base, as each festival begins with an asterisk. This asterisk begins to grow upwards, and turns into a female figure. All this results in a face, not a face, not a head, but a face. Because the film is the face of the heart. The composition ends with a star in the silhouette's hand, symbolizing success."


The first Antares International Film Festival will be held in Sochi on June 25-30, 2024. The competitive program will feature full-length, short films, documentaries and animated films. The purpose of the film festival is to bring together filmmakers from Russia and foreign countries on one platform. Participants will be able to share experiences, transfer skills and knowledge, initiate new film projects and create a celebration of cinematography for residents and guests of the city.

Applications for participation in the film festival will start on February 1, everyone will be able to submit it – the organizers will carefully consider all the proposals received and contact each applicant.

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